"why is EC so rare though? i would say there are people far more unhealthy that dont have this started locally... its a local problem"
Say a group of people are exposed to the same amount of poisonous chemicals for a long period of time, most get problems with their heart the odd few get very bad migraines. EC is the same way, its just a symptom of a bigger problem in the body, lets say the root cause of EC is a damaged liver this could have many symptoms, while some might get constipation and back pain the odd few might get EC. A sickness can display itself in many different ways, EC is a warning that something is wrong with the body internally. Its just a matter of finding out what, I'm almost positive its the digestive tract, waste stuck to the walls of intestines ect.. I'm a skinny guy and I have a small amount of bloating around my lower stomach, this indicates I have built up waste that isn't getting eliminated.
I don't consider EC to be all that rare anymore, I personally know 2 ppl who have it.
I was thinking about how EC could have been started by constant picking/peeling.. it doesn't make sense. Say I had a bad cut and I kept picking at it every hour for two months never giving it a chance to heal then all of a sudden I completely stopped picking at it I doubt the cut wouldn't heal. I don't see how the lips are different.