No, this guy had colon cancer and they tried targeted radiation that the doctors convinced them only killed the cancer cells, which of course is impossible, and the result was that the cancer continued to grow and spread and the mainstream doctors were chasing the cancers all around his body like little boys trying to stick their fingers in the holes in the dam instead of putting the whole damn in order. Finally they reached a point where they thought stronger chemo and radiation might buy him a few months of time. So oleander and the rest of my protocol is having to fight the cancers and the effects of prior treatment - but he is doing really well. Sometimes tumors do not ever disappear entirely - they just become stabliized as benign and shrunken masses. That is what happened with my 85 year old uncle when targeted radiation failed to stop his lung cancer from growing and spreading. Oleander halted the spread and eliminated all signs of cancer except a small shrunken spot which is essentially like scar tissue. He has been pronounced cancer free,
Got another report posted today - a member's 80 year old father is doing well after mainstream docs said he only had a couple of months to live last Thanksgiving.
Good point - calcified tumors can show up for a long time, sometimes forever. So can other benign masses and even what is essentially scar tissue.
Oleander extract cerainly does contain oleandrin and other cardiac glycosides, however, they are actually an overall minority of the ingredients in the extract and oleander extract is far from merely a cardiac glycoside. That is why it does far more than just let calcium into the cell, and why it is far more effective than other cardiac glycosides which have been used for cancer. A partial list of the cancer fighting and immune boosting compounds in oleander:
Oleandrin and a number of other cardiac glycosides such as Oleandrinogen, Oleandrigenin and others, several long-chain polysacharrides such as Beta-sistosterol, Quercitin, Linoleic-acid, Oleic-acid, Adynerin, Alpha-amyrin, Betulin, Foliandrin, Folinerin, Gitoxigenin, Isoquercitrin, Lauric-acid, Neriin, Oleandrin, Oleandrigenin, Oleanolic-acid, Rutin, Stigmasterol, Ursolic-acid, Uzarigenin.
For a better look at how oleander fights cancer, see my article:
Oleander Induces Autophagy - Exclusive Story and also take a look at: The Newman Studies on Oleander As powerful as oleander is, I do not recommend it or any other item as a stand-alone treatment for cancer. The person who the post was about is actually following my recommended protocol pretty closely: A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol DQ
As far as costs go, you can make your own oleander at home for mere pennies.
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
For the herbal supplement version, a month's supply used to treat cancer normally runs $45 to $60 depending on whether you order the capsule or extract (it costs more to ship the extract). However, to simply keep cancer at bay, that same amount will last about 4 months when taking a lesser preventive or maintenance dose.
The immune system is nature's first line of defense against cancer and other illnesses, and the immune system is constantly killing cancer cells in all of us. Only when the immune system is impaired (especially the liver) or overwhelmed by toxins does cancer gain a foothold and continue to grow.
When it comes to natural and alternative medicines, Wikipedia is woefully short of information and horribly biased towards mainstream treatment by the mainstream trolls and moderators there.
Have you ever heard of a product called OxyGen? I like it a lot and seem to feel a noticeable boost when I take it.