The no side effects and no periods make mirena seem like a dream come true! Well if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Save yourself from the hell mirena puts your body through. I had PMS symptoms 24/7 for 3 1/2 years I had mirena. Got to the point I was suicidal daily because I could no longer deal with the side effects of mirena. Almost lost my husband and children because of the horrible person mirena made me into. I would not wish mirena on my worst enemy!!! I know I must seem crazy but it makes me so angry that my doctor told me it was impossible for me to be having side effects from mirena while my life went to the pits of pure hell. How many other women have committed suicide or lost their families from this little piece of plastic? While their doctors laugh all the way to the bank with their kickbacks for prescribing mirena. I realize not everyone reacts the same but if someone tells you fire is hot, do you run up and touch it? Good luck! I am glad you found this forum, their are a lot of wonderful women in here. This forum literally saved my life when my doctor and husband had me convinced I was crazy to believe mirena was causing my problems. Try Googling images of mirena and see how tightly it fits in the uterus. That alone would have scared me enough not to get it. Of course my doctor showed me a round object and told me that was mirena. Mirena put my body into pre menopause at 31 years old. Look up symptoms of menopause, no fun. At least if you were on a pill your doctor could not hold you hostage by telling you she can't find your mirena and getting her kickbacks while you suffer. Good luck