"When you look carefully at the history of uses and the studies that have verified many of those uses, you will wonder why we do not see more of them used by modern medicine. The answer is sadly simple: you cannot patent a plant and so they are unprofitable and unattractive to pharmaceutical companies. "
Give them time DQ. Monsanto wasn't supposed to be able to patent seeds here in America, but the passed enough money around to the right people and got it done.
After I typed that, I remembered that they don't want to heal anybody, they want everybody sick so they can sell the prescriiptions.
Yes - im a big fan too and was absolutely gutted when they closed down but recently I spotted a new company that is makign all the formulas to the same standard as Raintree Nutition!
The healing powers of Amazon herbs are amazing.
They even use sustainably harvested wild crafted herbs! These actually tend to be better than organic - most organic herbs are not grown in the wild where you find mineral rich soil!