I've noticed that in the last few weeks, my stool has been either a pale yellow or a putty color. Is this due to my candida? In the same amount of time, my bacterial vaginosis has been really bad too and nothing I'm trying is helping. The usual treatment for it is
Antibiotics , but can't take them for obvious reasons, plus with people who have BV and candida, it just keeps coming back because of the candida. I know it's probably liver related, but not sure what to do. I don't drink at all, don't do drugs - I rarely even take Tylenol. I have been very stressed these last few weeks, with a lot of upheaval going on in my life, so I don't know if that could be having an effect as well. Would something like Milk Thistle help? Oh, and for the record, I don't have any IBS or irregularity problems. I go 2-3 times a day and it's solid. Thanks.