Hi, My name is Melinda and I'm 24 yrs. old and I found out a little more then a year ago, that I have epilepsy!! I've been a raw foodest for about a year now, once in a while, I've had cooked vegetables or beans. Most 80% of the time it's raw fruit and a salad everyday!! I do good with eating alot of bananas because bananas seem to keep my mind calm and relaxed.
I exercise everyday. I do alot of tae-bo, walking and ex.bike! I make sure I get inleast 45min.-1 hour a day of exercise!! I go to fitday.com and type in everything I eat and do for exercise! I make sure I burn around 500 calories a day, because I can't work,drive or go anywhere by myself!!
I just started urine therapy, I can see that it's helping, it's just a little scarry because I've been getting light headed lately, like I'm going to have a seizure. I had one tonight, it was miled though!! My parents don't believe in the raw diet and this therapy that much, or they just don't want me to take a chance of having grandma seizures again!! I'm trying to let them remember that it takes time to heal and get better naturally!
I know where not surppose to do this while on medication, but I reduced it 75% and I only have like half a cup a day of the therapy!! I never believed in medication in the first place!! I always believed in natural things!! I've known and studied Natural Hygiene for about 3yrs. now!!
Can anyone give me advice on what could help me that I'm not doing!! I also make sure I get plenty of rest and I do meditation 2x a day.
I'm getting close to being toally off the medication, but I still see my doctor because my parents arn't happy that I'm cutting down on my medication!! No matter what, I don't want to ever go back to medication, because it only makes me tired and I know something that is poison and toxic, isn't going to help me get better! It may subhold it, but not cure it!! I've been on 5-6 medications already and not one of them have worked!! I'm tired of it, I'm ready to cure it naturally and feel like an adult again!!
Please help me if anyone has any advice, and I'm sorry this was so long!! Thanks in advance and everyone reading this have a great day!!