IQ Enhancement Possible With Colloidal Gold?
Intelligence is more than simply abstract capacities or increased levels of concentration; of course these two are included in the general concept, but the intelligence coefficient is actually the sum of a whole range of mental capacities. Verbal and performance tests are usually the ones extensively used to identify the IQ level of an individual; however, science has proved that there may be improvements of the cognitive faculties thanks to the use of special nutrients and mineral supplements such as colloidal gold. This mineral suspension administered for a specific period of time improves the intellectual function remarkably.
In nature, there are two forms specific to this mineral: metallic gold and gold salts; of the two variants only the metal form is valuable for human health by medical applications. Highly non-toxic, metallic gold is the basis for the colloidal gold supplements that stimulate mental functions by increasing the conductive property between neurons. Studies show that a single month of colloidal gold administration dramatically increases the IQ level. The effects last for at least two more months after the colloidal gold treatment is interrupted. We could not ignore what colloidal gold extensive use could mean for the medical world.
Experiments were run on groups of people who were administered colloidal gold and Placebo treatment; their IQs had been measured beforehand in order to detect the expected modifications. The group who were administered colloidal gold for a month showed significant concentration capacity, whereas there was little modification in the case of those who were administered Placebo solutions. Colloidal gold administration was stopped for another month, and the study subjects were again tested; the IQ levels had remained superior to the before colloidal-gold treatment figures. The test was repeated once more after two months with the same amazing effect.
The encouraging results of many laboratory studies are the explanation for the increased use of colloidal gold in the treatment of the nervous disorders characterized by memory loss, lack of concentration and verbal deficiencies. The cost of a colloidal gold treatment for IQ improvement is very low, which makes it possible for all social levels to benefit for it. Whether scholastically, educationally or medically used, it is an acknowledged fact already that colloidal gold increases IQ levels for an extended period of time. However, administration should only start at the recommendation of a naturopath who is the best person to indicate the right dosage for the purpose.
see this post for more info on IQ and colloidal gold: