I have been doing well with introducing solid foods back into my body, but the clearness of mind during my
Water Fast is gone. I am still drinking lots of water and only fruits. I stay away from breads, sodas and anything unwholesome. Actually my body doesn't not crave those horrible processed foods that everyone else is eating now a days.
I am eating mostly fresh veggies and fruits with lots of water and bit of
juicing with my machine.
I am still detoxing a bit because I have some blemishes on my back that just popped up, which means that my body is still cleaning itself out along with my healthy eating.
I haven't heard from Person A after seeing him one last time before he left the state. He is working his new awesome job, which I am so happy for him getting. Person B has done a complete turn around. He stopped talking to me Thursday and will not return my calls or emails. It puzzles me and hurts me deeply. So, my fast cleared somethings up for me, but yet my heart is still hurt because of both losses.
It is good to see so many people doing well on their current fasts.