We are all right, they are super buggs.
But we can still kill them.
Right now, I do not care "where" were we got them, I am here, to figure out, how to kill them, and save our lives. (sniffs seems to be getting to the where and how, many thanks to him) Remember we all travel around the world now, and so we are now, all exposed, to everything, it doesnt matter where ground zero is. Now, NO longer can the lab technicians look by geographical area.
I know when the itchy fiber throat is bothering me, I can put any P73 oregano oil on the back of the tongue and then add iodine to that and after a few of times I am rid of the 2 day itchy, hairy throat sypmtom.
I know we must kill protozoa and worms and nematoeds and molds and fungeses and algaes and plants and spores, all at the same time to kill them.
I do not know how to get the labs to identify them, so the doctors can prescribe for them. We have internet, maybe ordering the drugs that way. You can try asking the labs to look for protozoa, ova, nematodes, but even if they find these super bugs, they are not in their books and they will not say, you have something they dont know about.
There are herbs that can help us, but we dont know what they all are, and what all we can mix together, and how long each one stays in the system.
I know chlorine taken internally will make your veins look like a diabetic.
I know these bugs "are" more than one make up, to ensure "their" survival. They have mutated and we have not.
I was told the Morgellons only effect humans. I am too sick to check the animals as of yet.(the white, blue, red, clear, black fibers)
Do not take steroids or use steroid cremes, they will make the super mutants into super super mutants. They can mutate again.
I know their lifespans are much shorter than ours, so their evolutionisations are also shorter....what does that mean....they will always be ahead of us, as far as mutating and becoming immuned and resistant to what we throw at them.
I know Charley is a Shyster, Flake Man, even if his product might be something helpful. And why the diversion of who people really are.....who's intelegence is he trying to insult?
I know we must keep our livers clean, as they are one of our filters, and things can hide around the stones and other debree's.
I know we must chelate heavey metals to assist us in getting to the bugs.
I know we must kick our immune systems up ten knotches (thank you glaxony)
The vitamins and mineral supplements, we are buying in the stores (even in health food stores)are only the left over residues, the real stuff you must get a prescriiption for. Vitamin B urine is orange, not yellow.
Johnson and Johnson and Letterly supposedly own all the real stuff, but you cant buy it from even a subsiderary under them, or its only residue. That is why we are taking supposedly toxic levels of the supplements and they are not enough.
I know we "are" being eaten alive. I have expelled over 57 differant pathogens that do not belong in our bodies. And still filming every day.
I know anti-biotics dont work, because they kill our immune system and only address a part of the entities bio make up, they can't do anymore, than possibly make them sick, but it wont kill them. Its the same reason de-wormers are not going to be saving our lives.
Have these bugs always been with us and we are just now figuring it out? Or are we experiencing just new mutations of everything? Or was it our government that created something, for what ever reason, and it escaped or they sprayed it on us, on purpose?
The answer is "All the Above"
This is what the cheif med guy is doing for me now:
He says, We are all right, they are super buggs.
But we can still kill them.
This is how I am being treated right now, tell me if any of you, have had any of these treatments before:
I showed this cheif medical advisor all my images, so he does this:
Puts me on metronideazole 500 mg 2 X's a day, for five days, to kill flagalites (spelling poor I know) not much change, but did get out more pathogens and new pictures, that I have never seen before, but this is not whats killing me.
So now for three days.....nitazoxanide 500 mg 2X's, for three days, I feel differant for sure, and a lot of things moving around in my body, for sure, extreme hexeimer effect. One more day on this. And of coarse more pathogons coming out, that I have never seen before. Right down to a bright green snake looking creature, all microscopic of coarse.
At this point he will see if I am better or not, if not he will prescribe something else...that I cant remember, for anthropod's
Then he will give me spornox for 30 days, to obviously kill all spores, for molds and fungus's
He declares that these meds stay in our system for about 20 to 45 days, so they are all actually running simultaneously.
He confirmed that most of these pathogens I showed him, were all part, more than one thing...meaning part plant and part protozoa, or part mold and part worm
He wouldn't address much of the Morgellon things, he stirred pretty clear of it, he just says we will kill it. He insists that we discuss it as crytospordium morgenallous (Spelling), but I tested for that, and they didn't find it, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything at all, either......
So I will keep you posted.
And tell me about these treatments on any of you....
As it gets darker, it will also get lighter...............God Speed To Our Endevours!