Thanks again, 8 drops of
Lugols does seem to help a lot. But I have yet to reclaim the IQ I might possibly have been born with, it shows up in snatchs and I sit there and go, gee, I've been looking at that for 5 years now, and didn't read it.
Sometimes I back off, and sometimes I get myself up to 100 mgs, it just depends on the day. Hubbie hates it, won't take in any more because he's lost the callouses on his hands he uses to damp bad solder joints. My skin feels great, and I don't like burning body parts. I'm able to read actual books again, turned off the fricken TV, definitly counter cultural, but what a releif.
Just ordered the stuff, Newport if this works, I will be so happy I will cry, I have this wonderful ring I got at the end of may, and I can't wear it because my fingers are too swollen, and I won't size it because if I do it will fall off this winter.
I love the thing, darn it.