You know I have been wondering the same thing so when I saw your post it made me feel better. I got mine removed on March 5th of this year so I am almost 5 months post and this month has been horrible for me. Most of my symptoms have came back strong this month and it has lasted longer, usually a few days before and after my period but this month it seems to have affected me all month long!! I have really sore breast and some anxiety. I went back to the doctor and she checked my thyroid and it came back fine, still no answer to my breast pain and hair loss.... I also have pain under my arm and in my groin area - she said my lymph nodes must be swollen and that I have an ear infection and that maybe causing it. I really hope that our bodies get back to normal soon - I know that I am much better than before but I can't help but get concerned about every little thing my body goes through now. My goal is to feel 100% better by March of 2009!!!! I just hope it comes true!! Hang in there!