I was reasonably stisfied with Prill. Good product , but doesn't last forever, the way that they would have you believe. That was the original pitch that I got, anyway. I was quite unfortunate in that my Prill "action went dead on me when I was cleansing and it ended up in contributing to some toxic shock. My hair is just coming back now. That was in March.
In May, I got introduced to a wonderful unit that not only alkalizes, but also clusters the water into hexagonal structures. The delivery to cell level is amazing ! I can feel it penetrate very quickly. It's a counter-top unit that basically looks like a blender, contributing magnetic, infra-red and alkalizing technology in a matter of minutes. I've recommended the product to 4 people, 3 of which followed through and they are all as delighted as I am.
Much is being discovered about hexagonal water, along with its consciousness and memory.