Hello KrazyKat,
Jfh beat me to it...
Jim Humble mentioned several times in his book that the solution will end up with around 1 PPM free ClO2 in it. If you mix a stronger solution, you will end up with a burning sensation along with nausea and diarrhea from the bodies reaction to the strong solution.
With larger doses, I think Clara has the best method. She works with a 6 drop dose, and for more she simply gives two doses. Look up Clara's protocol in Jim Humbles book.
If it is burning your tissue, it is too strong. Dilute it down.
To give you an idea of the concentration strength of a solution, put 6 drops
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and activate it with 10%
citric acid , you will have to dilute it with 1 liter of water to get it down to around 1 PPM free ClO2.
At the 1 PPM free ClO2 concentration, the solution will only have a very slight odor to it, and a bit of a tart taste from the
citric acid . No need to add juice because water works fine.