A.Vasorum is gone, it is treated every 5 days on the Rife machine so the new hatchlings never make it to the heart.
D.Immitis took a little longer, size is up to 300cm, this means that one has to sweep frqs to catch even the younger smaller ones. Bonus is that the HC frqs work well for this.
Onchocerciasis is another one that needs to be swept, same deal as D.Immitis and T.Solium.
BTW: I did read a medline article that talked about Onchocerciasis ONLY being a huge issue if the T.Solium cysts are in the body.
If true then here is what will hide (so far) in the immune system free zone of the T.Solium cyst: Malaria, Lyme, Herpes, Bartonella, Onchocerciasis...more to come...