hehe how old are u imno tellig u my age but well forget it i knoe stuff that many people dont knoe well to start off u telling her how u feel just made your chances flat, u never got to think of leaving here guessing does he love me yes or not.
then girls need there space they dont like to feel like u leaving them breathless
actting needy & i got to see a spark on your writting a clue of what u not getting her the big picture (The one time I sent an email where I say I am not going to keep trying she calls me but when I ask to get back together, she says no.)
woman like to be chassed why do it in a suck needy way u are telling her in a few words i need u im needy i can live with out if she is a real attractive girl she can have other guys u knoe think in her shoes for a few mins this is he simple way i can put it to u both sides have to be in the chase men woman if she in your lil words knoes she has u theres no more fun in the chase man dont see it that way till the point they see they can get other woman and the cheat when they find this out
when i say this im telling u that she may get old gain waight ... so on and the atracttion is gone from man is more in looks woman more in character personalety
do what other guys dont do your not the only guy for her in this planet theres many that can take your place to her be more unpredictable fun tell her u wanna go out just to have fun tell her what to do realy hear what she saying hope this is help to u