Jay doesn't believe in parasites, but most of the water fasting board doesn't. They think (without having the problem themselves) that doctors can easily test for them, and that they can easily be eradicated with fasting. He also doesn't believe in using herbs for getting rid of parasites.
He also wrote a nice post making fun of people with parasite/candida problems. I guess the CZ rules don't apply in the water fasting forum.
The string of threads in the water forum kind of broke my disillusions about CZ in general. Most people, although they've found an alternative source of health and had to break the MD paradigm, are not open-minded and will not even listen if it doesn't conform to their ideology. To me, experience with beating a disease is king, if someone with a disease tells you they got over X disease by doing Y, then if you have no experience yourself, maybe you should listen!