17 days ago I posted on this forum about a little boy in bad trouble after MMR
vaccination :
He is now on day 10 of Nascent
Iodine (in the form of Nascedyne).
We started with one drop on first day, twice one drop on Day 2, thrice one drop on Day 3, two drops once + one drop twice on Day 4, two drops twice + one drop on Day 5, two drops thrice on Day 6, to top up at 3 drops thrice a day.
He is also eating three Brazil Nuts a day, + two hours bathing in the sea + fresh orange juice.
VERY GOOD NEWS!!!!! He has put on 1800 g in weight since we started 10 days ago, is much less afraid of eating and much less picky about his food, which means his gut does not hurt as much as it did. Also goes to the toilet with less pain and more often. HE LAUGHS AND SPEAKS WITH HIS COUSIN!!! Still rocks and shies away from others, but he SPEAKS!!!!!
I cross my fingers hoping for the best.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the Grace that directed me here.
THANK YOU ALL, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. RECEIVE THE THANKS FROM THE MOTHER who said I should post immediately for thanks even if we are not sure yet of the final outcome.
Sometimes it feels that saving one is like saving the world.