"After years of using Vaseline regularly on my lips I stopped after developing a small dry patch in the middle of my top lip."
-maybe that patch was already a sign of EC developing. Just a few months ago I used vaseline and that stupid thing made areas that didn't peel before start crusting and peeling. By the way, why were you even using vaseline regularly? Did you already have really chapped lips?
"I was always preoccupied with my lips (I thought I had Herpes, I didn't) so I would always check myself in the mirror."
-how come you thought you had herpes? Something must have gave you the impression you had it to begin with
"Lips got inflamed...
Then Lips started turing white with water...and I coud just take cloth
and wipe off the the thin layer off the white layer."
-do you remember how it got inflamed? Was it just out of nowhere it became inflamed?
"I was very stressed at the time i got EC and also i had mouth sore"
-besides the mouth sore did you notice anything about your lips right before getting EC?
"I also had a preoccpation with my lips and was thinking about them more than i usually would."
-why were you thinking about your lips? Were they cracked, chapped, dry or anything like that? Or were they perfectly normal and you just wanted to worry about it?