The fact that excess Iodine can cause problems.
Came up again recently.
Yes, it's a God given fact, excess
Iodine can cause problems.
What unmitigated rubbish.
Is it true?
Well of course!
But is it correct?
So? Why ain't I buying it?
Iodine can give problems ONLY if you have problems to begin with.
Everyone "knows" you may have bad detox symptoms if you are bromine poisoned.
So tell me true?
Iodine caused those detox symptoms therefore
Iodine must be the culprit!?
Most Doctors believe this.
Let's say you went hypo or hyper after taking Iodine.
So once again you blame the Iodine.
The short answer?
The body needs far more than just Iodine to regulate hormones.
This is why the other trace minerals are needed.
The body can "dump" excess iodine without wasting resources.
What it cannot do is regulate the hormones with "just" Iodine.
What you'll find is people will have problems due to no or low resources.
Detoxing worsens this effect because detoxing uses resources.
To make matters worse, Iodine utilized by the body in some manner will consume resources.
IMO, for people who want to "play" safe and those who are "run down".
Green drinks, trace minerals and extra Vit C for a few weeks before starting a low level of Iodine would be the "safest" approach.
Your Humble Servant,
Two fun thoughts you may ponder on.
Additional resources to cover anything above 50mg per day is not needed.
Failure of the Vit C transport mechanism is a "good" thing when taken in the context of why "it" would fail.