Yep, a year without
Liver Flushing at all (when fasting too) is likely to produce what you're experiencing after a 'first' flush...a bit of liver ache/pain.
Pain in the mid/right back - liver!
(picture courtesy of Telman)
More than likely, another flush or two'll have you back to normal. If you do coffee Enemas, now would be a great time to do a few (as since things are good n' stirred up already, you might be able to get it out and back to normal with just the enemas).
You might also get some short-term relief from a dose or two of
Epsom Salts , but methinks the most relief will come from another full flush (or two).
What causes it, is the same thing that causes most 'liver pain/ache' in flushers...getting the debris 'all riled up', but not getting it all out.
It's more likely that some stones are just 'misplaced' than that there's anything truly 'stuck' (like wedged), but that's just my opinion.
It's possible the citrate wasn't quite as effective as the ES, but either way, methinks another flush will give you a lot of relief.
>>>Will try to do #10 in a few weeks.<<< Other than your personal schedule/choice, there's really no reason to wait that long. If I only 'did flushes' (and not coffee enemas), I'd do another flush as soon as I could schedule one...and/or you might want to try a "half flush", with half a measure of everything (of course, it's probably only half as effective, but it might be enough to do the trick).
Flush ON!