Hi Ruby,
From your description it sounds like you were passing mucous....candida usually shows up as foamy fermentation or tiny white flecks.
I don't believe that the white/clay-colored stools was from the bentonite...I have never seen or heard of it passing through like that...either in the toilet or during the numerous
colonics that I have performed when someone was doing the p&b cleanse. It sounds like you might have some congestion in your liver/gallbladder. Make sure that you let your naprapath know about the light stools.
I am not familiar with using apple cider vinegar in an enema...don't know if this would provoke a strong cleansing reaction or cause any burning irritation, or not.
That you are eliminating so much waste material since the pain started it is possible that some large pieces of plaque have dislodged and are making their way through your intestines. I experienced some cramping and nausea when this occured during my initial cleanse...although the pain was not as severe as you have described. I have also heard of people having sharp pains shortly before expelling parasites. Since the pain is subsiding and you had no blood or pus, I don't believe there is any cause for alarm. You should be able to proceed with the cleanse, but start slow and watch how you respond.
A series of castor oil packs applied to the abdomen...especially where you experienced the pain...may help to break up the congestion and excelerate the cleanse.
Glad to hear you're feeling better! ; )