Dear Dr. Biamonte,first, thanks for allowing me to post this message. I am 61 year on male.I am 5'6" and weight 130lbs. I have been suffering for 2 1/2 years with this condition. My lips and the the front part of my tongue burn. When I wake up in the morning I have a white flaky film on my lips. I haven't seen any on my tongue. For the most part,the burning start around 2 in the afternoon and it just gets progressively worse as the afternoon wears on. The other problem that has develop is my lungs have started to hurt and that is all the time. Problems that I didn't have before which have developed are lost of energy,hair loss (visible when I shower and the thinning of my hair),hoarse voice and worst in in the evenings.Rash in me genitals.
Because I have been to different physicans that have order all kind of lab tests without any kind of dignose, except more tests,I decided to do some research myself.
I don't know what I have,so I am not positve that I have candidia. I tend to believe that I have some sort of fungus gone awery.
Because I wanted to tried something, I went on a almost carb free diet and have been on it for at least 2 years. I have lost considerable weight. Down to 130 from 160.
My fatique is so bad that by 3 or 4pm I am out of strength.I am taking tyroid pills and testerone shot as test show both are low. Right now My present pcp put me on ketoconazole 200mg. I have also taken dufucan and nastitine all with out any good results. Also, because of low oxygen,I have to take oxygen at night.
Because I know how I feel,I know that everyday I am getting worst.I know that I am a sick person,Dr.,but it seems I am the only one who knows.
I want to apolozied for such an extensive e-mail.Any help that you can give me or point me to will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.