I am not a person to talk on these forums, I just read and listen, but I have seen something go by, that I feel needed addressed.
I am not part of any chemdig 3 team, nor is sheila, a name and conversation "you" chose to bring public. I knew this, because there is lots of conversations missing from her first post, to the ending thrashing you and some others brought to her, and then blocked her, from defending her intentions. And bringing your own dimise by blocking, when you clearly vowed when you opened this forum to not block people, you contradicted yourself. And now I see you have gone through all your posts and marked hidden anything, that was in question or in self contradiction, this is your own choosing, not theirs.
Their questions were, never to harm your reputation, or you as a person. According to the posts you have put up, you were the one that brought those private conversations public, not them. So you slandered yourself, you hurt your own reputation.
I asked her to forward me, your emails to her, as the public conversation, had little or no prelude to the ending score.
The part that bothers me is this....she merely asked, to what you were asking her to ingest. You then acuse her of wanting your recipe with out a purchase. And now that she had asked, what are you selling exactly, you decide she is not a candidate for this mystery juice. This puts up a red flag for me, and should for anyone....!
Trust me, she was very okay with not buying something that is hidden.
But then you start spouting all these legalisisms, that only makes a soul wounder, what "are" you hiding, that you just go from selling something, to thinking you have denied someone a cure, and are proud of it. This is a strange response for sure.
The subject matter of mystery juices, is not necessarily one of a legal matter, sheila and I feel strongly, we should be free to buy, sell, swallow anything we want too, but we should get to know what that is. (And you have hidden the messages, that you fabricated, that she even asked for the proportions of your recipe,.... she did not! This deems you the fabricator, you brought down your own ethics, not her, and dont forget, "you" were the one that brought a private email public, not her.
The processed foods in the market place that are causing diseases, are a good testament, to the fact that, we should not consume unmarked foods, or foods that are labeled "other ingrediants added, or natural flavors added", as these can be anyone of, or more than, 1500 chemicals, aloud by the FDA, to "not" be listed on the label.
No Body has the time or interest to sue you, and it never even crossed anyones mind, except yours......WHY....hmmmmm
I have copied with permission your letters to sheila, I removed her last name, and address, but every thing else is "exactly" as it went down, for all those you have tried to decieve with your ugly words.
You may be on to something, but your ethics and morals are definately questionable, brought forth by you and not anyone else.
I have read and understand your theory of cleansing the system, of all the by products, that bugs put off, that cause people to feel sick, and indeed, one will feel better without them, I commend you on this effort.
However, I feel you are still only a little better than traditional MD's or ND's, as you again are only clearing the symptoms of the real culpret, in the sense of cleaning out his debree and other pathegens that are brought about by its presence.
Yes we do need a new way of thinking, but I think we also need to kill the main culprets, in order to acheive a cure, or again, it will just come back...therefore no better than a symptom treater.
You could have really learned a lot, if your mind was open, instead of just dissmissing an honest question, then taking a private conversation public, then blocking the person from responding to your slanders and fabrications, while posting that it was them, who slandered you.
and Yes there is an ass for every seat, you will be able to prey on those who are too ill to question, what you are serving up, in spite of your own public contradictions, and all the missing and hidden messages. So dont worry Chuck, if you start a new and come clean, and be honest from now on, maybe you will have integrity and be ethical someday.
A product is only as good, as its maker, who presents it. You may be on to something, but your dishonesty precedes you. Clean it up Chuck!
And the emails are in reverse order, so read the last one first.....
And please do not insult the readers intelagence by declairing sheila changed the emails before forwarding to me, she did not, as you know shr can not respond because you have her blocked............
On 5/31/08, charles benghauser
Yes, Sheila. You caught me. I am a shyster. I will add that to my collection of titles.
It's been fun.
Please, don't write to me anymore.
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Sheila
Sounds like you are a shyster. You want me to drink something that I dont know what it is? You could be sending me arcinic juice.....hmmmmmmmmm
On 5/31/08, charles benghauser wrote:
Sorry. I don't give out my recipes.
I don't think my regimen will be right for you.
I wish you the best. Take care.
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:31 PM, Sheila
I can see how getting rid of their food would be a direct hit to them, but then I worry about them scurrying around and spreading to places that they don't usually bother, this may be good or bad....too much in question there for me, at this point.
You say your prices are good for a week, well you have never offered me any prices.
I am wondering what your tonic is made of? I don't dig mystery juices.......lol......
So how about a price, and a label of chemical contents.
On 5/30/08, charles benghauser wrote:
I know I'm going to sound like a salesman here, but . . . . My regimen is a starter AND a finisher. lol Then again . . . I'm talking from years of experience, too.
Call me whenever you're ready. My prices are good for one week.
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Sheila
Okay, I see.
Right now, I am using direct kill method, as I was to the point of death.
But this sounds like something that will be a good finisher.
I will finish my irradications and then look into this regiman as a finisher....yes indeed
Thanks you for your time.
On 5/28/08, charles benghauser wrote:
I have a regimen for the liver, and the whole gastro-intestinal tract. Your symptoms of mold, fungus, etc. then take care of themselves.
Once the liver is fed, there's more bile flow within 8-12 hours after starting my tonic. Bile is the body's best anti-septic, anti-ferment (digestive juices), and the body's own laxative. This action of the bile will remove the waste that fungus and mold lives on thereby eliminating those symptoms. Liver tonic produces bile which in turn makes the alimentary canal healthier. Final result, fungus and mold can not live on healthy tissue. They'll be starved of waste and flushed from the body. All this happens within 24-48 hours after starting the liver tonic.
My regimen includes liver tonic for 1 1/2 months. Also, includes any necessary supplemental tonics I determine you will need and all the follow up phone consultations that can happen every day for the first week or so. People tell me they feel like the body is finally healing after 1-2 weeks.
Want to discuss it further? Let me know if tomorrow is a good time for you.
Charlie in Arizona, Herbal Physician
928-445-3926 Call me and I'll schedule time for you for a free initial consultation.
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Sheila
Hi Charley,
I live in
I am not sure what you have to offer....
Do you have a regiman for internal molds and fungus?
On 5/28/08, charles benghauser wrote:
Sorry, Sheila. Your problems don't seem out of the ordinary from the point of view that I take.
When you're ready to do only one regimen I'd willing to help you. I ask people to give me 2-3 weeks. If you haven't seen noticeable improvement by then, I can't help you. But I can do wonders with 2-3 weeks.
Charlie in Arizona
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Sheila
Hi, that was no form letter, you had just asked me to tell you my simptoms.
You already viewed the images I have captured.
My main problem is a worm or three differant ones. As i have gotten rid of all the teenagers, but i am still getting eggs, 3 differant kinds.
I definately had heavey metal problems, as the EDTA is the reason i am alive, went from death to life in 32 hours.
But I still have molds and funguses that are in there too. So i am looking to rid myself of them. The worms are probably going to take a strong chemical de-wormer, its just a matter of finding the right one.
I satrted neomicin sulfate day before yesterday and i feel a great deal better today, so i have three more doses of that before i can start something else.
I am not sure what you have to offer.
On 5/26/08, charles benghauser wrote:
First off, I want to say I'm very sorry for your pain and discomfort with this illness.
My recipes, formulas are very powerful, specific, and effective. My tonics are not "over-the-counter" products. They're not meant to be mixed with other regimens. It can be unsafe, and uncomfortable. Besides, it may obscure the observations I need to make in order to guide you through my program.
Where are you located? Am I right in guessing that you sent me a form letter in order to see who would respond with the best suggestions for you?
Charlie in Arizona
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Sheila
I am addressing my heavey metals with EDTA. I am taking mega vitamins and minerals, milk thistle, fish oils and so on to offset it.
It has brought me from bed ridden to walking around, but this is not my main problem.
I have been very ill for 4 years, all cat scans and mrI's and heart moniters and xrays, and lab tests have all been useless except for H Pilori.
So I bought a microscope and started looking.
I am loaded with molds and funguses, in my sputam and stools, polar tubes and definately parasites of many kinds.
I take EDTA (for 8 weeks now 1/8 of a tsp) in the morning and MMS (3 drops with lemon activator) at noon and EDTA at night. I have only used the MMS three times so far today will be #4.
My spit samples will grow a blue mold very kickly that spreads very quickly.
I have flushed my liver 2 times with coka cola, virgin olive oil, lemon juice and drink magnesium citrate for breakfast. Lots of stones and egg sacs, and polar tubes. After a flush, with various fungus growths.
I have worked in construction for 20 years, so I was exposed to all the metals dusts, molds and funguses, old places and very toxic tight areas. Now i am very sick.
Yes I need an overhaul. I am working on the parasites and metals, but i need to know what to do to address the molds and funguses.
Thank you for your time.