I was feeling pretty ill before I began the cleanse. I was desperate to receive them in the mail and began the day I received them. I experienced very little die off symptoms but the times I didn't feel well, I was shocked to see several ascarias worms in my stools! Yuck!!! I am so glad I got them out. Since they can migrate to the lungs, I was beginning to feel creeping sensations in my chest and throat area to the point where it felt like something may crawl up and out of my mouth! It was frightning! Since I began the cleanse that sensation has disappeared! My entire family did the cleanse right along with me and they all have seen great results. My husband feels a lot better like I do, he has has cancer twice in the past and he claims to have more energy since finishing the cleanse. My older son is 5 and he had bad candida to the point where he was getting athletes foot and he had red, itchy blotches on his feet that were painful. They have disappeared since finishing the cleanse. My youngest son is 2 1/2. He was very ancy and showed signs of autism but not ever diagnosed with it. He was always craving sweets before the cleanse. Now his sweet cravings have decreased significantly and he has calmed down quite a bit! Humaworm has literally changed our lives for the better! Thanks RG you truly are a life saver! I plan to begin the lung, liver and kidney cleanses along with the in-between herbs during my 90 way to recleanse with Humaworm! I will post my progress!