Hi Everyone,
This is my first post on Curezone:)
I've been keeping up with this forum for a few weeks now, and feel so greatful to have done so, since I learned about Dr.Charlie and his tonics. I had been searching for a few days at that time, trying to figure out what to do next, like a lot of people here. I had just completed a three month bowel cleanse along with herbs on rotation to address candida, along with a strict diet. I had become very constipated during the third month, and obviously felt like crap (no pun intended!). I perservered despite this and despite not eliminating as I should have....but my liver was also severely backed up, as my hands, feet and face started turning yellow. I'd already noticed this over the years, it came and went depending on my state of health, and now it was too obvious to ignore. I finally went in for a colonic- my last one had been six months ago- and so much came out, as you can imagine. What struck me the most was that the therapist remarked quite happily how wonderfully I eliminated- meaning how well my colon functioned! It was a slight consolation- don't get me wrong, it was great to hear- but then I thought, so why the heck can't I go to the bathroom on my own? Why do these colon therapists always tell me my colon works so well?
My story is one that goes back 10 years. I just turned 29 in May. I had surgery when I was 18 to remove a benign ovarian cyst that was the size of a grapefruit. I was under longer than they had planned(as the tumour was larger than when they had found it). Recovery was painful- and after a month on empracet I had the most horrible migraine- and couldn't move my bowels from that day forward. All I remember is being in pain from head to toe, having sciatic like pain on my left side(which is where the sugery had taken place as well) and being exhausted. I developed allergies to foods, irritable bowel, and was finally diagnosed a year later with Fibromyalgia. I then became increasingly allergic to food, chemicals and pretty much everything else within 2 years. I was finally given the diagnosis of having Environmental Illness.
So, the point of all of this is not really to go through everything that I have done since then to get well- as I have done pretty much everything. I did reach a much better state of health in 2004, after seeing an energy healer in Las Vegas. He rebalanced my body and helped clear allergies to numerous things. He was the first person to really mention liver as my biggest issue, and his energy work also helped me detoxify. I visited him three more times and did follow up treatments with several of his students locally, but unfortunately the treatments didn't hold. I always went back to having food allergies, constipation and fibromyalgia. There was much stress during this time- mainly due to unsupportive family life, bad relationships and money issues- I have had to be very creative in finding ways to support myself and continue despite everything, and I have. The toll it has taken on me in every respect however, is immense.
I am now living on my own, and am hoping to get Charlie's tonics by the end of the month. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I agree with everything he is saying in respect to the liver. I have very high hopes for these tonics, as I am at a point where I want to live so badly, yet I am suffering so much. My colon has seen me through years of trying just about every herb, tea, fiber, laxative, colonics- you name it- just to be able to lessen the toxic load a little bit. I get terrifying muscular pain(fibromyalgia), memory loss, cravings and foggy thinking from being backed up. And of course, the yellowing skin. I know this is all toxicity, from the liver not working well and the cascading of symptoms as a result.
I do have one request from everyone reading this, and I apologize in advance to Charlie if this is not the right place to do so. They say ask and you shall receive, so I will. I must leave my apartment soon, as my lease is up at the end of the month. I do not feel mentally or physically able to make a decision on another apartment, as I have been so tired and foggy thinking of late. I have no family to stay with and although I do have friends, it is hard sometimes to have them understand what I am dealing with. I would like to find a safe, warm, kind place to stay for a few weeks, perhaps a month- long enough to start on the tonics and begin to heal, and then I can start making clearer decisions on what to do next. If anyone here has a spot, or knows someone with extra room, who would be willing, please let me know.
I am actually very funny and pleasant to be around...which is possibly why people have such a hard time believing that I am ill- I tend to hide it so as not to make others uncomfortable. I just have been doing the back and forth obsessing in my head for the last couple of weeks, knowing that I have to find a place to stay, and knowing I need time to heal. I thank everyone in advance for reading and for any input. I needed to put that out there, as simply wishing is not going to do it!
I live currently in Montreal, so anyone local would be great, but I am also willing to travel. I love discovering new places too;)
Have a great night,