Here am I!
sure I know it, but to say the truth I didn't like it much. Kind of stagnating energy. They all seem to follow the ideas of this guy and are not too much in contact with anything out of it. Whenever there's someone following a leader, I get nervous.
I didn't have the chance to see the underground temple though (do they ever show it? we even had the journalists card...), and to talk to someone more into metaphysics. I just had a visit an afternoon, they have guided visits and they don't want you to hang around on your own, then you can buy arts and crafts and there are the most orrible paintings I've seen in my life (true) made by the founder, now I don't remember the name. They all have these funny objects made in copper wire, which are supposed to channel energy, but the people didn't seem any energized, on the contrary. But well, it was a superficial visit and I might have missed the juicy juice, who knows?
The only cute thing is that everybody takes the name of an animal, real or mythical, our guide's name was Ondina, and then there came a friend of hers called something like Varano, or Tode, something like that.
To answer to the title of the thread, no, I don't thing it is a community of the future, I'm sorry to cool down your hopes, but I'm pretty sure of this. It is actually smelling quite old.