"does a water distiller remover 100% of the clorine? "
While this doesn't mention 100%, I would think that between the distiller and the charcoal after filter that it would. In addition to many other worse compounds.
"There is no other process proven as efficient or as reliable as distillation. Water distillation will remove chlorine,
nitrates , fluorides, ammonia, aluminum, arsenic, copper, iron, mercury, radium, asbestos, viruses, bacteria, herbicides, and pesticides"
If money is an issue as you have said, you might check into this one. I know nothing about it, but it looks pretty much like mine and it's a $100 cheaper. I would compare it to the others for how much water it provides and in how long a time, electricity used, etc. Also the biggest thing is whether it automatically shuts off. My brother has one that doesn't, and that would be a pain in the "you know what" to have to baby sit the thing. Mine puts out a gallon in about 4 hours.
I was amazed at the residue and rusty looking water that cooks off that is left in the bottom of the cooking chamber when it shuts off.
I was buying about 6 dollars worth a week at the store so it won't take that long to pay for it self. Keep in mind that the filters are about $5 or so and they last about 2 months if you run it all the time. If not they can get moldy and effect the taste.
Here is the one I bought. The "Waterwise 4000 model"