Hello again!
I noticed your use of the word "school".
Are you using that as a term for a large group? as in a school of fish?
Or as in a building, a place of learning?
If a building, is this an elementary school, a high school, a college?
A school would indicate a place of learning, perhaps illustrating a lesson.
The type of school might indicate the level/maturity of the lesson.
Cats and rabbits, believe it or not, both have sexual connotations.
(They both do procreate rather fast) They both can be skittish and easily
frightened. (scaredy cat) Both can also be warm and fuzzy, sources of affection.
I think the cats have more to do with the feminine, and independence in this dream.
The rabbits seem to illustrate a younger more immature attitude, also reflected
in their age. Wondered if you have children and are having problems with them.
Then realized your "job situation" may be telling you that you're going to have to
drop some immature beliefs and stand up for yourself.
Hey, I'm just making guesses here. You probably have a better idea than I,
what these dreams are telling you.
Also thought that your religious beliefs can be the "link" that still takes you on the
same journey as your husband.
Be Well, Margie