Drinking water with added Alka-Mine Coral Calcium, helps flush out and clean the toxins from your body.
This is a testimony from a gentleman in Flordia all he did to help with his Choloesterol and Triglycerindes was to start adding Alka-Mine Coral Calcium to his diet, and look what it did for him.
Rip Ward, Tampa, FL (Stem Cell Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Triglycerides)
I had a stem cell stroke in January of 2001. My blood pressure was 197/95. I didn't want to take blood pressure pills the rest of my life, so I didn't start them.I heard about Coral Calcium from a friend at church in August. My wife, mother and I began drinking it. I had my blood work done in September. My cholesterol was 196. My triglycerides were 175.
Blood work was done again in December. I still was taking no medicine. My blood pressure was 147/73. My cholesterol was 178 and triglycerides were 143. The rest of my report was excellent.
The only change was Coral Calcium and Restoration. There was no change in diet or exercise. Now I am starting exercising and expect my Coral Calcium and Restoration to continue to improve my ““wellness””............Want more information email