Blog: Juice Fasting for the third time - 28 days
by disturbance

The Juice Fast, Day 25/28

Tired, but actually happy today.
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Date:   6/5/2008 8:04:26 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3464 times

It's amazing to think I'm almost there!!!

Yesterday I took a whole heap of book to work to take them to an antiquarian, and I actually sold a few for €8. What a good start! However I ended up carrying the rest of the books all around the city in an attempt to find other places that would accept the books, to no avail. Today my muscles are sore, but I couldn't allow that to stop me from bringing two huge bags of clothes and stuff with me. Yesterday I had to go through the little of possessions I own to find something, anything, to sell. Today I went to a second hand store but the clerk adviced most such stores only accept donations, they won't buy anything off me. Bugger. Dead end. But I've still got some more books, and a stack of CDs that might - all together - pay me a euro or two. We'll see.
I found out the next time I'll be paid is in a month and a half. That almost made me lose it, in the I-so-could-cry-right-now-if-ever way. I've got €10 for six weeks to spend on my raw food (I absolutely definitely refuse to give in on my diet, I will not resort into canned tuna and macaroni and all that poop just because all my savings went to moving houses, applying for schools and changing companies). I also wouldn't like to borrow money off anyone until I really REALLY need to. So I collected some recyclable bottles and got a few euros off those (Finland has very cool recycling system especially for bottles - the store prices are all a bit higher, but they include a deposit one gets back upon returning the bottles). Dad promised some zucchini and beans from his garden patch, too, when they are ready by the end of June. I'll make it, somehow. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting some money off my previous employer by then, too. All I'm really concerned over is being able to pay my rent in time, and even that can probably be arranged. Food is a close second, and if worst comes to worst, I'll call my brother for some monetary assistance.
Ohh, it's such a drag to have such dramatic changes in one's salary arrangements.

But all in all I've been on a much cheerier mood today than on Tuesday! Then I was irritable and tired, now I'm tired both mentally and physically but much more optimistic. Yesterday went within relatively high spirits, also, but towards the end I was really getting tired, and by the time I got my clothes from dad's place (I probably mentioned I don't have a washing machine yet), I could barely keep my eyes open and the frown from my face. Still I had to sort some books and clothes out before going to bed - late, again. So yeah I'm only happy today's better. I even managed to forget for a moment that I've got tomorrow off for the last exams. It should be fun enough, I hope!
Which reminds me, I really need to sort out my buses there and back before I leave work in 10 minutes... So I gotta go!

But as a last note I must say the funny feeling in my throat is back, and I'm constantly swallowing. I've figured it might be because my juices have a little pulp left.
Oh, and during the fast I've noticed my tongue get coated, but it's much easier to clean off than when I'm eating. Yay.

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Comments (20 of 20):
Re: Post-Day 3 Disturbanc… 17 y
Re: Post-Day 3 healthy4ev… 17 y
Re: The Juice Fast… Distu… 17 y
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Re: The Juice Fast… valer… 17 y
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Re: The Juice Fast… valer… 17 y
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