well folks as we heard today teddys brilliant doc have decided to do temador and whole head radiation,the same protocol that killed my brother 5 years ago of the same tumor.So all this money that is given to acs this is what they have come up with in 5 years, this cracks me up. Heres the outcome folks well the tumor will shrink, then come back, then he will be at his limit of radiation, since he is no shape at all for chemo or radiation he will suffer even more, but towards the end maybe someone in his family will step up and say try alternative, but it will be too late, its quite amazing how people think there docs are god, i wish him well and hope things work out to prove me wrong. i hope the senators people read this, temador success rate is 3 percent, that means you have a 97 percent chance of dying you do the math, be well