I have a huge day tomorrow and I just got up to get something to drink.
I have been thinking about something lately... many times we BO sufferers exhibit behaviors that are motivated by shame and guilt.
I have talked to many of you in depth and personal...and if there is anything I have realized, it is that we have all, at one time or another, lived our lives based on shame and guilt.
There are really 2 ways to get rid of shame:
1. Do everything you can to atone for the shame
2. Realize that there is no shame to begin with
I want to be very frank with all of you right now: There is no shame in what you have been through. This odor condition is nothing to be ashamed of. You are a fearfully and wonderfully made child of God. He loves you like you were his only one. There is nothing to be ashamed of because you have a medical condition that causes an odor. You are powerful beyond measure. The only thing that holds you back is your own fear. Think about how powerful you really are!
Let me bring this to the practical world.
There are not too many people on the internet (let alone the world..haha) named "Cabel". I know that if someone was to do an internet search, I bet they could link up "
Body Odor support" with "Cabel".
This was as intentional as anything I have ever done. I made a decision that I was not going to live my life based on shame and guilt. I looked at the 2 options and I chose the second one.
I wanted to give my life and experiences as an example to everyone here. There are only a few people that I have met on the boards who have been as open as I have been.
Shame is such a horrible master. All the time you see it destroying the lives of otherwise good people.
Will my openness come back to hurt me in the end? I don't know. For now I think it saved my life.