Hi Maria,
I am taking a class on Biological Ionization. My book is called Biological Ionization: As Applied to Human Nutrition, by Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe.
Here is some more info from an article written by Dr. Beddoe:
pH is the acid/base ratio within the body. We measure it using the urine and the saliva. The human ideally functions on the acid side at 6.4. At the extreme ends, at 8 and below 4.9 you would be seriously dead. For checking your pH balance, litmus papers can be of value but they are not always easy to find. Litmus paper should have a narrow range, say from 5.0, 5.3, 5.6, and so one, where there are 2/10 of a pH point between each value. In our calcium kit, we use two types of pH paper. Then you refer to the chart in the book to find which type of calcium your body requires according to your average urine and saliva pH. The best time to measure urine pH is two hours after you have eaten, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Pick a one week period and every day at the same time, measure your urine and saliva pH and keep a record of that. At the end of the seven days, add it up and take an average. There isn't a direct correlation between urine pH and blood pH. When you do a blood analysis, your blood will do its utmost to keep itself fairly normal in order to keep you functioning. It has to maintain such narrow margins to keep you alive, it cannibalizes the system. You can still have deficiencies.
pH is a measure of resistance. pH tells you how fast digestion is proceeding. A high pH tells us that the digestion is going too slowly, or that bowel transit time is too slow. You have higher viscosity in an alkaline pattern. Then you have constipation. Anything below 6.4 indicates digestion is becoming faster. Faster digestion goes toward diarrhea. Things get more fluid. The bowels get more liquified. We like to keep people in a range between about 6.2 to 6.6. We use two terms in Biologic Ionization: cationic and anionic. Cationic refers to the acid (positive charge) side of the spectrum and anionic refers to the negative charge or alkaline side of the spectrum. Foods are all cationic. The higher the quality of the food, the more cationic it will be. In conjunction with your digestive enzymes which are anionic, you have a "vinegar-soda" (acid/alkaline) reaction so to speak which creates a friction, a resistance which is very important to digestion, because if you don't have enough resistance for the digestion of your food, you will have a fast digestion. If there is too much resistance, you have a slow digestion. Does anyone remember the kelp, B6 and apple cider vinegar diet? It helped some people but not others. Why? It depends on the individual acid/base balance. The vinegar would work well with people who have a high (alkaline) pH, and make them feel better. It speeds up the digestion and helps overcome constipation so they didn't feel so clogged and bloated. On the other hand, people who were acid got worse.
You can use this pH information to tell you how much exercise you should be doing. When a person who has an acid condition goes out and does hard exercise, he is going to get worse. When your muscles contract vigorously, their by-product is lactic acid, and if you are acid already, you are going to get a big influx of lactic acid which the system can't handle and you are going to feel more fatigued. On the other hand, a person in an alkaline pattern would get really high from hard exercise, they just keep going and going because the stimulation is really helping acidify their system.
among many things, demonstrates calcium requirements. Calcium, particularly the right type of calcium, is critical to your system. If you have the water, oxygen and right type of calcium that are necessary for your liver to function properly, you will maintain a proper pH range of 6.2 to 6.6. But what happens if you're not getting enough water, oxygen or calcium? If you don't have the mineral reserves to buffer or neutralize the pH changes in the system, the pH of your body will wander all over the place . If you have a calcium deficiency, you have less buffering activity going on. People who have a high calcium reserve can eat almost anything; they are not sensitive to foods. In some people, a calcium deficiency will express itself as a swing in the alkaline direction. We usually see a pattern in disease where people will go through alkalinity and stay there for a while, and then they will drift towards the acid side. The acid side usually becomes the last phase of disease before death in many cases.
As you drift in the alkaline direction, you begin to put more pressure on the softer tissues within the body, and create a vacuum and pull nutrients from the harder tissue. What is a harder tissue? Bone and teeth enamel. This is the cause of osteoporosis. Teeth enamel is the hardest, then bones, cartilage, muscle tissue, internal organs, then through softer organs like the reproductive organs, lung tissue and down to the opposite extreme, the softest tissue of the body which is the brain. And the brain will protect itself by cannibalizing more easily available tissue. Reproductive tissue and lung tissue nutrients are some of the most susceptible to cannibalization by the body in order to protect the brain when it needs something that you are not getting in your diet. When a person is overly acidic, they are literally pushing too much mineral energy into their bones and pulling it out of the softer tissue and the lungs break down and the reproductive organs break down. They still have excess mineral deposits around the joints and other places. When you have a calcium deficiency, and most people are calcium deficient, the calcium in your diet acts as an excess. That is why you see calcium deficiency diseases expressing themselves as calcium depositing in different tissues of the body like in the joints. It's like a teeter-totter because if your acid/base balance goes off, your calcium will go in the wrong area.
Your pH balance tells you the kinds of foods that are necessary for your particular chemistry, the kinds of supplementation you may need if you are not growing your food the way you should be, the kind of calcium you may need, and how much vitamin C and D your body may need. The worst thing I have encountered in all my experience is people who are taking megadoses of vitamin C. People who benefit from that are those people who are alkaline. People who are hurt by it are acid people. And when you are toxic to vitamin C, you are deficient in vitamin D.
It is important to have the right type of calcium. If you are not eating dairy products, you can use supplements. Dr. Reams made up calcium formulas to match your individual requirements according to your pH. The one important base calcium that we use for all our programs is calcium gluconate which is the most easily matched calcium to the human system. Calcium gluconate is a fairly neutral calcium and that is what we are looking for in a calcium supplement. And then we use a ratio of other calciums such as calcium lactate, or calcium citrate, or a liquid calcium oxide depending on the individual pH. We do not mix calcium with other minerals. We do not mix calcium with magnesium. Magnesium is a very stable element in the human system, and you can get all the magnesium you need in a normal
healthy Diet from a good dietary intake of natural chlorophyll, because that is magnesium's best source. When you mix magnesium with calcium, particularly dolomite, it is not a good supplement, because the magnesium has to be released first and sometimes this interferes with the calcium absorption. In our biologic ionization program we don't use multiple minerals and multiple vitamins. What works for one person may not work for you.
A magnesium deficiency is due to a nitrogen toxicity because magnesium is a scavenger of excess nitrogens (
nitrates ). Nitrogen toxicity may occur when the soil is deficient in calcium because the nitrogens are then released very rapidly from the food. And the treatment is magnesium. So magnesium is deficient if you are overloaded with nitrogen. A heart attack is a sign that you have a magnesium deficiency. As the nitrogen levels go up in your blood, the viscosity goes up. The blood gets thicker. When your heart can't beat the thick blood through the vessels, what is going to happen? You don't get oxygen and nutrients, and the heart then suffers as a muscle.
When you go into an acid direction, you have more fluid movement, or osmotic pressure (pressure of fluid through a membrane), and in an alkaline pattern, you have less. So pH imbalance is a contributing factor in edema. You will have more pressure in some areas and less pressure in others depending on the tissue.
According to Dr. Reams' testing, lemon juice is the closest thing to nature's natural digestive enzymes. Therefore, you use it in a ratio of one part lemon juice to nine parts distilled water as a liver stimulant. This should be freshly squeezed lemon juice, but not reconstituted or frozen because these don't work. Any time you process lemon juice, it changes it from an anionic (alkaline) substance to a cationic (acid) substance. Remember, your liver performs two primary functions: it supplies basic building blocks for the rest of your body and it is also a detoxifier. So these two functions need to be coordinated, and using lemon juice in certain ratios with distilled water will stimulate the liver towards its biorhythmic functions and its chemical functions. We use this on a regular basis because it helps the enzyme activity in the liver. Take your weight and divide it by two and call that ounces. Then take half or two thirds of that in lemon water. For example, if you are a 100 lb. person, that means 50
ounces a day that you need in extra water. It is important how you drink water, because water has to be utilized by the liver only so many
ounces at a time, say three to four
ounces every thirty minutes. Drinking a
quart of water at a time may be good for flushing out your kidneys, but your liver doesn't get the benefit of it. The liver takes small amounts, and it is always trickling in.