My situation:
Hello everyone! First of all, I'm a 37 year-old man that has a previous diagnosis of "genital Herpes" back in 1993. I've been on preventative meds in the past like valtrex but over the past 3-4 years I've been taking no meds at all for the herpes.
I'm married & my wife too has contacted genital herpes because at the time of our initial relationship I didn't know of having this sexually transmitted disease due to no real visible symptoms. I was finally diagnosed a while after we were married which wasn't a pleasant time indeed. She too has used Valtrex at times in the past as well.
Back in February I felt a sudden tenderness/pain under my right nut.The pain/tenderness I have/had was mild to moderate but over the past couple days has lessened a bit. I have felt somewhat nauseated at times with some pain going up into my stomach. I don't feel any lumps/swelling down low but I can put pressure & get a mild tenderness/pain still after about 10 days. I've had less energy lately & it's mildly uncomfortable when sitting down but not too bad right now.
Now, I've studied a lot about genital herpes & there's no known possible serious problems after diagnosis. However, this current tenderness/pain has never been there before at any time of an outbreak of genital herpes. I do have usually some tenderness around my upper groin with an outbreak but nothing like that has happened. I know my father has a history of hernias but I've never had any type hernia. This is the first problem of this moderate pain that I've had period of the testicles other than the herpes outbreaks. What might be causing this type tenderness/pain coming from the testicles? My wife & I do have sex regularly & she sometimes gets yeasts infections. She also gets some tenderness in her vagina as well. Could I have contacted an infection from her of some kind? Thanks & help is appreciated. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I am mildly burning when & shortly after urinating as well.
Well, my symptoms got to the point to which I was in dire needs of medical care. I went to a local clinic this past Wednesday. I had a thorough exam done by the NP. She immediately upon doing the DRE(Digital Rectal Exam) said "young man, you have a very large & swollen prostate". She also done a test just to check for diabetes problems.
She said I was between a chronic & acute case of prostatitis. Before even leaving the clinic I had one of those quick nausea spells that has been happening on & off for weeks. She said this was brought on by the rectal exam probably. Well, she prescribed me Bactrim DS for a 7 week treatment plan. However, this morning I woke up sick as a dog. I knew that the new medicine was doing something to add to my problems.
I went to the local ER today because I knew that something wasn't right. They done further testing to check blood, urine, etc. I was partially dehydrated so I was given one IV bag to help me urinate & also regain my fluids. The doctor was worried that the infection had maybe gotten into the bloodstream. The test from the urine sample pretty much showed the white blood cell count problem that shows prostatitis. The test for the bloodstream came back negative.
The doctor has changed my medicine now to Doxycycline along with Phenazopyrid to help with the burning. This will be a 15-day treatment plan instead of the 7 week plan from the local clinic. I researched the Doxycycline & found out that this duration(15 days) is common. I'm hoping that this new medicine gets me going in the right direction because this problem has been going on now for about 6 weeks period.
Also, I'm still seeing a lighter yellow colored semun after ejaculation which makes me think there is till some infection there. It's not as dark yellow & like glue as a couple weeks ago but certainly not my normal color. I'm gonna demand a prostatic fluid examination or a semen culture to find out if there's still infection in the right manner.
I have been studying herbs & supplements for my problem ever since this popped up on me. I'm so health conscious now. I've never been this way in my life about health. I have played sports all my life & been pretty healthy until this came upon me gradually.
I had started taking Saw Palmetto before I went to the doctor. The NP wasn't gonna do a PSA screen with the prostate still enlarged anyhow. This was stated with the previous appointment. I have added several other herbs & supplements as well. I have researched them pretty thoroughly over the net.
What's up with doctors(urologists,NP,primary care,etc.) in that they look at this illness/sickness/disease as nothing? I have read all over the net about this including my situation. They act like you're making things up & want to just come to the doctor for nothing. All they want to do is keep filling our bodies full of
Antibiotics . It's really ashame & something needs to be done in this area.
I have added the "Broccoli Treatment" to my regime. Everyone knows about the health benefits of broccoli but all the doctors want is to give prescr*iption medicine to people. In two days, I have already felt a difference. This is probably more to do with the broccoli than the
Antibiotics because I was on them already for 3 weeks before.
I was seeming to feel better once stopped but then after having a barbecue yesterday I am now back to the burning & pain before,during,& after urinating. I will be finished with my last dosage of
Antibiotics this evening so what next? I don't go back to the doctor until Monday of next week. It seems like the food yesterday(spices, fat meat, etc.) sent me backwards again.
There has to be something wrong with me that I can't eat any of these type foods. I didn't have this problem before my symptoms began back in February. I could eat anything I wanted without it effecting me period. I am beginning to wonder about this being a treatment for a bacterial problem(antibiotics) when it's non-bacterial. This isn't gonna work to get me better. I could have something else totally different wrong too. I don't feel as bad as I did but the burning & pain in the penis & testicles is still there indeed. My urine stream has improved tremendously but still have a little trouble getting started. This is driving me crazy literally!
PS: I have taken most of this from my quotes directly from another forum. I can't get any real answers or suggestions. I hope someone here can help me out! This is literally wrecking my entire life. Also, I did have the PSA screen done & this came back "normal". That was a little good news but doesn't help me with what's wrong. I do have some abnormalities from the CBC(Complete Blood Count) but that will not be covered until my next appt. on Monday of next week! Thanks for reading my story & any good suggestions/opinions are welcomed here!