Hi Fonty, I was wondering if you could share some of your fountain of knowledge :0).
I have been attempting to start a fast...was going to start with juice and then transition to water. I have had somewhat of a difficult time, going beyond 48 hours, thus far.
I was thinking maybe to doing a dry fast (on my off days) and the other 5 days of the week, eating raw...fruits, veggies, mostly. Although I do have several raw recipes, I have acquired of recent.
I am thinking that on my off days, when away from work, it MAY be easier to do a fast.
1) So, here is my question, will I benefit from doing a 2 day dry fast and 5 day raw food 'diet'?
2) Will I notice a difference, within a relatively short (within 30 days) span? Not a completion but a difference. Others seem to have 'seen' some difference from the 48 hour fast I did.
3) Also, when I do the dry fast days, does that mean no water, as in Showering?... and brushing teeth? I know NO water or otherwise, as ingesting for those 2 days, though.
Thank you for your help and knowledge! Have a superb day!