Hi Megabite, most of us are newbies here too and just getting familiar with the whole EM thing. I bought a kit that brews at a set temperature as I live in the normally cold UK. There seems to be contradictory opinions about what is the best temp. EM guru Vinny Pinto says it should be brewed at 90-100 F and for a few weeks tho some brew for just a week. Depends on what you get more antioxidants if you brew for longer periods. Depending where you live in the world room temp may be fine.
For ratios the standard seems to be 1:1:20 so something like 50mls EM mother culture, 50mls blackstrap molasses and 1 litre of water. If you're doing it yourself, you fill a plastic bottle or other suitable container (glass is not normally recommended) to the top and leave in a warm area, in an insulated box next to a heater or other warm place for a week or longer. Check the ph, should be below 3.7 to be fit to drink. Take the top off to let the gas out every few days otherwise there's a risk of it im/'ll have to ask others about this. This is a *very* basic intro :-)
Google Vinny Pinto and you'll find his website and yahoo group.