Hi Everyone,
I have been taking EM for a few weeks now and have posted a few messages on the
Candida Forum . Seems as if we are all having some beneficial, wierd and not so wonderful experiences from consuming EM. Obviously this may be down to the ingredients and each individuals brewing technique, but I was wondering if it would be worthwhile compiling a list of them all.
What do you think?
Personally, I have found EM's to increase bowel movements, increased wind....sulphurous wind at that, and also a mild fever feeling if I take too much. Sleep may be affected (been hot here recently so it may just be that)and I have been feeling unsettled/jittery. Perhaps this is detox related or just one of those periods I go thru from time to time! I am going to see if I can induce it by taking larger amounts.
If we get a list we could tabulate them and then put some scores for frequency, duration and rating. (Perhaps this is taking it too far!?)