Teacher Charlie,
Can you continue this discussion please?
I've discovered 4 things that most greatly influence our body chemistry that will set us up for illness or good health. They are:
1. Environmental effects of Hot/Cold on the body
2. External stresses (i.e. social, family, work stresses)
3. How much rest we get or don't get
4. Diet which includes EVERYTHING we take into our mouth (and lungs, but to a lot lesser degree than by mouth)
True, these influences more immediately affect us during periods of acute disease. But they're applicable to chronic disease as well. And it's not just one thing that causes disease. It's the sum total of these influences that will adversely affect the body in chronic and acute disease.
For instance, if a person eats very well (fruits, veggies, etc.), gets enough sleep, and dresses warmly, he's better equipped to perhaps work outside in the winter under very cold conditions. But what happens if he's under a lot of family stress, isn't getting enough sleep, has a lousy diet? In the short of it, he may come down with pneumonia, flu, or a head cold. In the long run, if it continues year after year, he's set-up for a chronic illness.
Can you also talk about all of this in connection to glands/adrenals? I know all the glands are connected, and it's not just one that is out of balance- example "hypothalmus/pituitary/thyroid/adrenal AXIS"
And what comes first, sluggish liver/gland imbalances?
Do you have tonics if glandular imbalances are found once the liver is cleaned up? OR, do you believe that the glands/adrenals will fall in line once the liver is cleaned up without doing anything further?
One more thought, just common sense, but it all stands to reason that all the things you mentioned above that contribute to accute and chronic "disease", will only continue to weaken the body if not addressed as well (in other words..your liver potent isn't a "magic" potent that can be taken, without addressing changes that contribute to the body being weakened to begin with)