i am a firm believer that your natural bodytype eventually develops on it's on into it's own natrual proportions in time.for instance,how does your bodytype look?
large shoulders or narrow and wide or wide and thick? your joints, bone structure,rib cage size,forearm/calve circumfrence, neck size,wrist size..these are all important factors in how you should naturally develop on it's own.
for instance, observe people that are normal weight and proportion to their own body type structure.Structures here not body fats or whatever,just how they are built.
you will notice alot of tall and thin people,short and stocky,naturally built individuals,short and thin.I think that most people come into their own body shapes and sizes that were geneticily predispositioned to be.Not saying that obsese people are meant to be that way but maybe there IS a genetic desposition to being overweight,therefore it can be handled proactivly.
if you have a small bone structure,aspiring to be a top level bodybuilder at 250
lbs. may be out of the question but being totally tone and cut up may be a better solution.You can't change your overall genetics or body structure,but you can alter it.But things like wrist/ankle bone mass,bone length,height,muscular metabolism..these things are almost impossible to alter without drugs.
if someone is naturally small framed,it's gonne be natural for that person to be thinner then a person who is thicker set framed with a larger bone structure,i fully believe that the wiring in the genes control appetite,and a normal balance of bodyweight/fat/mass on the body and it governs itself just fine without having to worry about it.I have been on the WD for soo long,initially i was afraid that i was gonna disappear if i didn't eat anything.Well, i have hovered about 140 for the last i don't know how many years.i didn't shrink in size and i didn't loose too much strength.Actually, i gained alot of natural muscles back and replaced all the artifical crap bloat that i used to have.
don't worry soo much about your weight,just eat the foods that bring your body what it needs for daily nutrition i say,while eliminating junk.
i trust my body to do it's thing in terms of weight size.If you really want to gain weight,there are many ways of doing it- i have been there before,it's not too bad gaining the weight,afterwards you can go on a sub-maintence level to keep that weight on.The intial 5000 cals won't be that way forever...
take care..