I work miserable hours most of the time...... Wed, thu, fri and every other week Sat. The reward for that is that I now have 4 days off... This is of course the nite shift 6 to 6... I have four days to get back to a normal routine... Lets see what do I have to do.. Find my cat that escaped the confines of the house and has been missing for 3 days.... Work a little on alkalizing my body... Check out my Kombucha brewing... Not too easy to keep a routine when you work the nite shift....
Guess I'll work on my blog...
I dealt with my backstabber with my usual sarcasm... But did it such a way that it won't come back to me... I didn't use the "F" word, so I am safe for the time being... She has run into the supreme bitch... My grandmother taught me well... She taught me to shoplift when I was 10 (mom never let me go shopping with her again) Guess it is time for me to get some sleep, so I can go listen to the band and Rock and roll.... (my friend is a lead singer in a rock and roll band, so I am entertained at a low cost)....
May all the backstabbers burn in hell for the problems they cause people......