Bossy Taoism girls….
Taoism girls will need a muff-ER success.
Buddha gets the mirror dust.
Widows’ dowry gods in prides are circle sums.
Eater fishes big to spend is water as wines.
Big as squeezers compiled bossy boots as concerns.
All religions sexy concerns go committed with gods.
Bossy Taiwan girls will pet my cookie.
Cookie pushers play my leather medals all as funds.
One on way will say my ways.
Muffle good!
Name the gods as very much as collars tied.
Bossy Taoism girls have collars tied.
Good as creeks are Clinton mouths.
Good are goddess boxes has chaffers.
Taoism locus all are sexy focus.
Ways of sitting wide as spread will sit at sterns for all in camps as cookie.
Taoism girls have magic powers take all as flatting cans.
Goods as radar gods will kiss my angels.
Flatter girls can be cants.
All are trusts to thrust to put as all as muffs.
Socks in skies are grasses that put the pens.
Bossy Taoism girls will put the jailer cools.
Legs of laws will set the twisters buss in buyout masses.
Bossy Taoism girls will buyout the goddess markets.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---------