OK, thanks. I've gotten more professional info on TMAU low choline diet that I can use to add to that. Actually, here's some info on it. They sell the whole 19 page article online for about $31, and I think it's a must for TMAU positive people to have a completely balanced diet. It even breaks down the choline and betaine intake. Actually, this is one of the posts that I have in the blog.
Marjorie G. Busby MPH, RD, , Leslie Fischer PhD, MPH, RD, Kerry-Ann Da Costa PhD, Dorothene Thompson, Mei-Heng Mar and Steven H. Zeisel MD, PhD
I highly recommend the purchase of this article for all sufferers who have tested positive for tmau. It is a research supported by gransts from the National Institutes of Health to Steven Zeisel, to the University of North Carolina Clinical Nutrition Research Unit and Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility, and to the University of North Carolina General Clinical Research Center.
A low-choline diet that contains high-quality protein and adequate amounts of breads, fruits, and vegetables can be provided to individuals with trimethylaminuria. Acceptable/palatable meal plans can be developed containing levels of choline as low as 100 mg per day. Meal plans should be developed according to individual preferences using the Dietary Guidelines for inclusion of a variety of foods. Based on the analyses of individual foods previously published, foods were grouped according to three levels of choline for use in developing individualized diets (Table 3). Values for betaine are also provided...
full article:
The above-mentioned article was recommended for the blog by CureZone poster, Marx, and I second that motion. Thanks a million Marx. this helps everyone on a low choline diet remain healthy as well.
Maria (mpdela)