I have been taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement a few days now and went from quite low to high doses. On the higher doses my stomach sort of ballooned up and I had periods of diahorrea, not in a bad way but a cleansing sort of way but today my stomach really unsettled and bloated. I know at some times little yellow bits came out, maybe candida.
Anyway I notice that two nights ago when I felt the same I took 4 charcoal tablets and the next day I felt absolutely fantastic, had not felt so good in such a long time. Is this possibly because the charcoal could have mopped up all the gunk that was floating around my gut or system? I do know they use charcoal in hospitals when someone has overdosed to soak up all the toxins. I also read on these forums lately that Jim Humble has recommended having an apple after your
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to mop up the toxins as the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement kills them. I am starting to think strongly that toxin buildup is a major thing you have to think of in illiminating bad reactions. I am also taking Zeolite which may help also?