-I'm not sure if this forum would be the best place to write this- but most of the other forums arnt active enough and I figure you all here would be knowledgable on the subject-
A week and 1/2 ago I decided I was going to do a fast followed up by
juicing and then going all raw. I was doing this for a breathing condition I have and candida symptoms. For the fast I was only going to drink a alkalizing drink (ie moreless drink without the blackstrap molasses (ie this gives me headaches). I also would have 1-2 green drinks a day (perfect food).
I ended up doing this for 5 days - until I felt too weak where I didnt think I would be able to work; so I started to juice some veggies and have some seeds.
-note I wasnt eating any veggies with sugers in them-
-I thought if I starved the candida of any suger that this would help wipe it out quicker-
I continued to grow weaker and weaker.
days 1-5 fasting with green drink
days 6-8 some
juicing with eating some seeds and a few nuts
day 9 - my body went into diabetic ketoacidosis (at least I think this is what it was).
- I had unsatiable thirst (meaning I could drink a full glass of water; and 15 mins later my mouth was as dry as if I had been in a desert for a week)
- I could barely move and I had no energy
- the previous nite I had nausia and diarrhea
- rapid heartbeat
needless to say I wasnt doing good
(oh and I was supposed to work this day - so as I was sitting there debating how I was going to make it to work - I decided I should have some fructose (so I had a apple and pear) I noticed after I had this that my insatiable thirst calmed down some ... when I got to work they said I looked like I was on deaths door (hey I'm dedicated).
It is now 1 day after that and I am doing a bit better (I've had a bunch of fruit and had a proper meal today ie some chicken and fruit). Not sure I can stomach any veggies atm.
a few comments - I dont know exectly what the
Master-Cleanse cleanse involves but the moreless drink uses applecidervinegar or lemon juice combined with alkalzing minerals.
So what do you make of the above?
-Since it appears I went into keto acidosis does this mean I have diabetes?
-So do you think fasting is a bad thing for my body? or maybe I need to have alot more sugers in my juices? (ie I've done a regular juice fast before and have felt relatively weak also).