There's a place online that has Hulda Clark's book in PDF form, and the directions for the Simple Zapper can be found in it. I'll try to find it and post it too.
I also got the $10 zapper, Hulda clark version also, off of ebay. It's a small version, and one Parazapper told me about when I didn't think I could afford the regular version he sells.
You need the copper handholds to attach the wires to...which I'm sure is sold there too. My husband had just cut some for me from our farm shop. You want to wrap the hand holds with a single layer of paper towel that you've soaked in salt water.
7 minutes holding the pipes, 20 min off/7 on-20 off/7 on-20 off.
Sorry, I don't have time to give look it up for you right now, but I know you can read the Hulda Clark book online at:
She gives directions for making a zapper out of a shoe box...or the one I was talking about is just called the Simple zapper, and she gives directions for it too.