Hi Monique_1,
Prior to the LF, I had gone through 2 rounds of Anti-PArasite/Bowel cleanse Dr Clark's protocol and a Lemonade MC fast in between them. But no special preparation, just ate a bunch of apples a couple of days before the LF; herbs I stick to the rota of herbs I prepare my teas from: pepermint, bardane, hyssop, cardamon, salvia, cinnamon, camomile.
For the LF itself I followed the instructions to the dot: OO, GJ juice (I belive I topped it up with 1/2 lemon), ES,...nothing fancy. Post-LF I had a couple of days castor oil packs during the nite, and a coffe enema 2-3 days after the LF.
I also have a parasite problem, not sure yet to which degree. During the 1st LF I expelled some parasites, but during the 2nd I havent seen much of them, and instead much more stones compared to the 1st time, so I guess to a certain degree I have got rid of some unwanted guest to a certain unknown degree.
I am sorry if maybe you were expecting better hints from me. I think the timing I have started all this protocols has helped as well: it is a quiet time and I can focus in following physically and mentally these protocols. I think protocols/medicine/healing are like food: you need to chew them well before digesting them and noticing its benefits. I am not blaming you for not doing so, as I completely do not know what your problems are/where are you, etc I am only stating the only difference in me when applying this protocols in comparison to the past, where everything was "now and over to the next attempt"
I wish you good luck with your LF. Let me know when you plan to do the next one and maybe we can do it together.