Hey everyone, thanks for looking at my post.
I had a bad case of tonsillitis about 4 months ago, i had huge white bumps on my throat and i could barly swallow anything with out serious pain,i knocked it out by using
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract (grapefruit seed extract) oreagano oil, garlic pills, and body brushing, The doctor wanted my tonsils OUT. After about 6 days i was cured. Now it seems like every 30-45 days my throat gets sore again and it starts getting hard to swallow. It has happened every month since my bad case. I was curious if anyone knows of a tonsil cleanse or something to rid my throat of any germs that may still be there. (I heard the reason your tonsils need to come out is because the hold onto germs and bacteria) Is there anyway to clean them?? Any help is Greatly Appreciate. Thank you