very old posts in this thread, so I am not expecting a reply, but would like to add my voice to the subject.
I have been using the Emotion Code for going on two months, and have felt enormous benefits. Feeling less and less encumbered by any feelings of disconnection from the world. (was not even aware how 'trapped' I felt. Feeling more and more joy -- in fact better than I can remember feeling EVER, in this life.
I've just gone from reading the book to working through my own issues, one at a time, as the insight arises. At this point, I can say I've become very comfortable with the modality. Have worked on myself and even an animal, at a distance. (Like others, I felt I'd already worked MUCH on my own 'stuff'--but this is different: it's both very direct, impersonal almost, but precise, and opens up levels and levels, as it releases the "trapped emotion" that is under
focus, along with undoing all its
associated ideas, belief structures,
knee-jerk reactions, indeed a whole lot of what was formerly "me", yet never really felt like it was 'mine' is dissolved, transformed, and now offered up to pure potential of good...
The morphic field of the work, when it's tapped into, makes the whole thing move quickly.
I spent years, decades, slowly, slowly, on all kinds of "inner child" work, etc. and the emphasis here goes on "work".
The Emotion Code is something else. It gets quickly to "is this mine"? Often te's are not one's own; doesn't mean they are any less 'real' -- this too is interesting, and life-changing-- because you begin to appreciate that we are all 'in this together', everyone is/was just doing the best they can, with all that they are contending with.
Forgiveness is a big part of this work.
If you have trouble with the concept, it might be that the work would be even more benefit! I recommend looking into it. It also works well with EFT, Faster Eft, and Ho'oponopono.
best of joy and vitality to you!
(ps. I did not even relate to the idea of happiness, for a long time. A good percentage of my entire life. Now I can see as if scales have fallen from my eyes. It is these trapped emotions! The weight of them is (was) something astounding. )