I have read a good bit about EMF's and their effect on our body. Never had much experience personally but had an eye-opening experience recently. I was in a large Sears store decided to check out the electronics while the wife shopped. There was a long aisle with HDTV's on both sides, maybe 6 feet apart, facing each other. I was walking slowly and not stopping to check out any particular tv. Before I was in between all those sets for a full 2 minutes, I got a headache, insides trembling and a slight case of nausea. I got out of there promptly. And I was slightly dizzy for hours afterward.
I looked back and the area was enclosed in glass and there were no customers. The clerk and salesman both were at the entrance.
For the first time I am truly considering getting a device to reduce EMF's here.
Analog television broadcasting will end February of 2009 and all become digital. I can't imagine that digital waves would be any safer to the human body (I would think that the body is much more vulnerable to them), so, all the planning we do now for protection from EMF might not be so effective next year. Maybe having a stable reserve of electrolytes in our body will help isolate and strengthen our internal electrical system.
Greenpeace (and no doubt Al Gore) would like us to believe that the world can be saved by changing our light bulbs from incandescent to the new energy saving flourescent type. Alot of things will change in office buildings, hospitals, schools, etc.
13 seconds long.
Flourescent bulbs are bad for the eyes because they flicker 60 times a second (so do incandescent, but incandescent light is more stable). Whether that also has an internal effect will likely always remain a mystery. Disposing of these bulbs will release tons of mercury into the air and water/landfills. Chelation will have to become the norm.
There probably haven't been any reliable studies, but magnetic mattress pads are claimed to offer a more restful sleep. Maybe magnets can help relieve the long term effects (headaches, nausea) by adjusting/resettling the chaotic effects of EMF.
We have high ceilings in our house and incandescent lights for some reason don't last long, so vowing not to have to deal with the trouble of replacing them again I used fluorescent lights. Good news, not a single one of them has gone out. But I am concerned about the mercury in them. LEDs look like a third alternative. Are there any negatives to them (besides price)?
Note that replacement of my 17 Amalgam Fillings via Huggins-Certified guy
to the tune of over 10 grand AND loads of hassle along the way
Did zilch to help me.
This included endless detox
(I'll PM and/or EM you w/more precise details)