Hi everyone,
sorry - this is a syncrometer question. I am an experienced syncrometer user and have never had any issues using it. about 6 weeks ago, I woke up one morning and stopped hearing resonance. after about 2 weeks of trying to find the answer, I rubbed my hands with an anti-parasitic salve and suddenly, resonance returned.
a few days ago, the problem cropped up again and i can no longer test. I have checked what dr. clark suggests - I consume almost no caffeine, have zapped continuosly and taken
Lugols (in the event of salmonella) and have not changed any personal products, so I don't think I have benzene on my skin.
Has anyone else encountered this? does anyone have any suggestions as to why I have been turning 'off' and 'on'. In almost 4 years, this has never happened. OH - and i have 2 syncrometers and I can not test on either, so i know it isn't broken.
thanks in advance for any thoughts...